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Terms of Use

This User Terms contains the general terms about the use of the web site and the general rules and legal obligations required to be followed by the Users, to that extent. You declare, by using this site and filling up the form in which your personal information is enrolling, that you agree with the User Terms.

Canan Bozkurt Cua Atelier Takı Tasarım ("Cua Atelier") reserve the authority to alter this User Terms at any time.


1. Using and Security Rules

It is free to use the site However, under certain circumstances, the site management may prevent the site using of the user and reserve the right to take legal actions regarding the person or persons attempting to do below mentioned actions:

If the given personal information by the user, in order to register to the site, is incorrect, deficient, deceptive and containing unlawful statements incompatible to general moral rules,

If the site content is partly or wholly copied without permission,

If the usage right of the information provided to the users or designated by the users, such as user name, password, is shared with third parties or institutions or if this information is used by persons apart from the user,

If a software that endanger, prevent the security of the site and that is convenient to provide an unauthorised access to the personal information reserved under the site, is used; if similar activities are executed or tried to be executed, if any kind of information is taken, deleted, altered without permission,

If a user has more than one account.

2. The Usage of Site Content

The visual and written content served on is for the usage of the members and the visitors. All of the domain name, logo, trademark, working method and similar each materials ("Materials") and all kinds of intellectual and industrial property rights to that extent, involved in the site content, are pertaining to Cua Atelier under legal protection; shall not be used for any commercial or personal purposes, without permission or without giving a reference. It is prohibited to publish any element, available in this site, on any other media or internet site or to use without Cua Atelier's permission.

The software used for the design, organization of the website and for creating a data site is pertaining to Cua Atelier and the copy or usage of this software without permission is strictly forbidden.

The right of re-publishing of all comments, advises and reviews delivered to that web site, with public access, is pertaining to Cua Atelier. Cua Atelier may use these advises, reviews and writings with marketing purposes. 

3. Liabilities

The information of users (visiting duration, time, pages displayed) is followed in order to provide them a better service. This information may be shared concerning the advertising purposes etc., with the firms that we are in cooperation, by respecting the privacy terms, in order to expand and enhance the content.

The user may use this site, in accordance with the terms, by entering the e-mail address and the password, after filling in the parts required for registration and approving the e-mail address.

The user accepts to be in accordance with each type of notice and statement, published by the laws of Republic of Turkey and, while benefiting from the services of this website. The User is liable for all legal, punitive and financial obligations arising from inconsistent use of the site. 

The user is liable for backing up the texting through Cua Atelier shall not be held liable for missing, deletion and damage of the texting by reason of not backing them up.

The User may cancel the membership and delete the account through this site. The authorization to enter to the site of the user, cancelling its membership, will be cancelled.

Cua Atelier will determine whether to delete all kinds of registration pertaining to the user's account, terminated by the user itself or by, or not. The User may not claim for rights and damages with respect to the deleted registration. may contain a connection or a reference to other internet sites, which are not under the control of the site. Cua Atelier is not liable for the content of these sites and for their other connections.

Cua Atelier reserve its right to use all information concerning user accounts, with respect to its own marketing activities, by respecting using terms, privacy principles and legal regulation.

Different terms and obligations, particular to any section of the site, may be indicated on the relevant section of the site. The individuals and the institutes, using these sections, accept these terms in advance.

Please read the "Privacy Policy" part in order to read the personal information of users and the precautions taken for protecting their privacy and the general policy in that extent. The User accepts that all of the provisions of this user terms will be considered accepted by the user by the date when the User begins to benefit from the site services. The User accepts to indemnify all kinds of damages that Cua Atelier incurs, due to the user's breach of any obligation undertaken on this agreement. Cua Atelier has the right of recourse for all kinds of indemnification and/or administrative/punitive fines required to be paid to public institutions and/or to third parties, due to the User's breach of the agreement.

4. The Rights and Liabilities of Cua Atelier

Cua Atelier accepts and undertakes that the user duly registered to the site will benefit from the services defined under the agreement, except for the technical faults. / Cua Atelier have the right to investigate and disclose the User's identity information in case that any electronic sabotage or attempt on the purpose of intervention of savings, preventing the operation of the site, is identified and/or that any attempt causing a cyber attack is determined, that any criminal complaint against the user by the public authorities is filed or any official investigation is demanded.

Cua Atelier may unilaterally alter this user terms without any notice, in order to maintain the continuity of the undertaken services. Cua Atelier will publish on its website the new updated user terms with new updated date, under the same link, in case of any alteration, and will inform its users via e-mail, if required. The new updated user terms will be valid as from their publication on and the usage of this site and its services will be subject to the updated user terms as from that moment.

The membership of a member which sends any materials against to this agreement's provisions may be unilaterally terminated by Cua Atelier without any notice.

5. The Entry Into Force of The User Terms

As from the filling up and approval of the registration form or from the receiving of any service or from giving of any order by using this system, it is considered that the User accepts and undertakes to comply with the User Terms.

6. The Competent Court and Resolution of Disputes

Istanbul Courts and Execution Offices are authorised for the resolution of the disputes arising from the execution of this agreement. 

7. Notification Addresses 

The e-mail address declared to by the User will be considered as the e-mail address from which the legal address is demanded in order for all kinds of notifications in relation to this agreement.

The parties accept that the requests made to their former e-mail address is valid and related to them, unless they notify the other party in written, within 3 (three) days, about the alterations on their current e-mail address.

It will be considered that all kinds of notifications send by to the registered e-mail address of the User, are delivered 1 (one) day after their sent date.

The User declares and undertakes that all of the provisions of the User Terms are read, understood and accepted by his/herself.