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We are using cookies to provide necessary website functionality, improve your user experiences, and analyze our traffic. By using our website, you agree to our Cookie Policy usage.

Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy is applicable to, which is managed with the infrastructure of İkas Teknoloji Anonim Şirketi, owned by Canan Bozkurt Cua Atelier Takı Tasarım, and has been prepared to give information about the use of Cookies applied during the Site visit.

About Cookies;

Cookies are small text files that are sent to Web Browsers and are stored on devices such as computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc. when certain Websites are visited. Cookies enables the Website to detect and remember actions and preferences of user. They are used to provide a customized user experience to the site visitors, members or users, to ensure the security of personal data, to monitor the technical performance of the Web Site, or to promote products and services for the area of interest.

Types of Cookies Used on;

  • Session Cookies : Session Cookies is the type of temporary and necessary Cookie that ensures the proper functioning of the Website during the user's visit to the Website. They are used for purposes such as ensuring the security of the Website and user during the visit and the realization of the transactions offered on the Website. They are not applicable after the browser is closed.
  • Performance and Analytical Cookies : These are the Cookies used to analyze the use of the Website, to evaluate and improve its performance. İnformation regarding the visitors’ visits on the Web Site, their in-site use and actions are collected anonymously, and these information collected is analyzed in order to evaluate the performance of the site.
  • Targeting and Ad Cookies : Cookies and tracking pixels named Third Party Cookies of the partner in the capacity of Subsidiary are used on the website. With these cookies, which are used to promote products, service and services for the needs and area of interest of the visitors, information regarding the Web sites visited by the user and products viewed are collected. Visitors are not subject to an identification and they are identified through a nickname ID. Thanks to this information collected, third-party service provider subsidiaries are able to perform advertising and promotional activities for the visitors visiting the web site, They are not deleted after the Web Browser is closed, and their validity period varies according to the type of cookie, and they are deactivated by being deleted from the browser settings.

Management of Cookies;

As long as users do not interfere with the browser settings, all Web Browsers allow all cookies. By using the concerned settings of Web Browsers, you can block Cookies for all sites or certain sites, receive warning when Cookies are created and block Third Party Cookies. Users can view, review and delete Cookies included in their Web browsers or devices at any time. The following links can be reviewed to get detailed information about the cookie management settings of web browser companies:

Cookie Agreement;

Users who visit are deemed to have accepted the placing of Cookies on their devices. In order to prevent applicable Cookies from being placed on the Web Browser or devices, the settings of the Web Browser concerned must be arranged according to user preferences or visit to the Website visit must be terminated. If cookies are blocked, the user experience regarding all services offered at may be adversely affected.